Kathleen Kendall-Tackett
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Welcome to my site. I'm glad that you stopped by. My site includes many resources on breastfeeding and mental health. I've created a page just for parents, with more technical information for professionals. If you are interested in my speaking for your event, please go to the Speaking tab that includes all materials for continuing education.
You are welcome to use any of my materials as long as you properly reference them and respect my copyright. Praeclarus Press, please feel free to visit our site.
Breastfeeding Doesn't Need to Suck:
How to Nurture Your Baby and Your Mental Health
Breastfeeding Doesn't Need to Suck:
How to Nurture Your Baby and Your Mental Health
Available now!
Available now!
The brand new book by Kathleen Kendall-Tackett. This book aims to help expectant and new mothers reach their breastfeeding goals and care for their babies with confidence. While new motherhood is challenging, there are ways to make it easier. A mother's mental and physical health are essential, and that is the focus of this book.
Online courses by Kathleen Kendall-Tackett you can access anytime. Get continuing education credits and valuable knowledge
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